Advisories for SAP_XITOOL 7.50
Below you can find all Security Advisories that related to your search term.
Note | Component | Description | CVSS | Severity | Patchday | Initially released on | Category | Affected system type | Valid for |
3434192 | BC-XI-IBF-UI | [CVE-2024-28163] Information Disclosure vulnerability in SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (Support Web Pages) | 5.3 | Medium | 2024-03 | 2024/03/12 | Program error | Java | SAP_XIESR 7.50 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
3343547 | BC-XI-IS-WKB | [CVE-2023-35873] Missing Authentication check in SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (Runtime Workbench) | 6.5 | Medium | 2023-07 | 2023/07/11 | Program error | Java | SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
3350494 | BC-XI-IBF-WU | [CVE-2023-37488] Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in SAP NetWeaver Process Integration | 6.1 | Medium | 2023-08 | 2023/08/08 | Program error | Java | SAP_XIAF 7.50 SAP_XIESR 7.50 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
2745860 | BC-XI-IBD-INF | Information Disclosure in Enterprise Services Repository of SAP Process Integration | 5.3 | Medium | 2021-05 | 2021/05/11 | Program error | Java | MESSAGING 7.31 MESSAGING 7.40 MESSAGING 7.50 NWCEIDE 7.31 SAP_XIAF 7.31 SAP_XIAF 7.40 SAP_XIAF 7.50 SAP_XIESR 7.31 SAP_XIESR 7.40 SAP_XIESR 7.50 SAP_XIGUILIB 7.31 SAP_XIGUILIB 7.40 SAP_XIGUILIB 7.50 SAP_XITOOL 7.31 SAP_XITOOL 7.40 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
3012277 | BC-XI-IBF-COR | [CVE-2021-27599] Information Disclosure in SAP Process Integration (Integration Builder Framework) | 6.5 | Medium | 2021-04 | 2021/04/13 | Program error | Java | SAP_XITOOL 7.10-7.11 SAP_XITOOL 7.30 SAP_XITOOL 7.31 SAP_XITOOL 7.40 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
2818965 | BC-XI-IS-WKB | Clickjacking vulnerability in Runtime Workbench of SAP Process Integration | 4.6 | Medium | 2021-04 | 2021/04/13 | Program error | Java | MESSAGING 7.10-7.11 MESSAGING 7.20 MESSAGING 7.30 MESSAGING 7.31 MESSAGING 7.40 MESSAGING 7.50 SAP_XITOOL 7.10-7.11 SAP_XITOOL 7.30 SAP_XITOOL 7.31 SAP_XITOOL 7.40 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
3012021 | BC-XI-IBF-UI | [Multiple CVEs] Multiple vulnerabilities in SAP Process Integration (Integration Builder Framework) | 4.9 | Medium | 2021-05 | 2021/05/11 | Program error | Java | SAP_XIESR 7.10-7.11 SAP_XIESR 7.20 SAP_XIESR 7.30 SAP_XIESR 7.31 SAP_XIESR 7.40 SAP_XIESR 7.50 SAP_XITOOL 7.10-7.11 SAP_XITOOL 7.30 SAP_XITOOL 7.31 SAP_XITOOL 7.40 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
2824209 | BC-XI-IBC | Clickjacking vulnerability in SAP Process Integration (Integration Builder Framework) | 5.4 | Medium | 2020-11 | 2020/11/10 | Program error | Java | SAP_XIESR 7.10-7.11 SAP_XIESR 7.20 SAP_XIESR 7.30 SAP_XIESR 7.31 SAP_XIESR 7.40 SAP_XIESR 7.50 SAP_XITOOL 7.10-7.11 SAP_XITOOL 7.30 SAP_XITOOL 7.31 SAP_XITOOL 7.40 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |
2607126 | BC-XI-IBF | Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability in Enterprise Services Repository of SAP Process Integration | 6.3 | Medium | 2021-11 | 2021/11/09 | Program error | Java | FRAMEWORK 7.31 FRAMEWORK 7.40 FRAMEWORK 7.50 MESSAGING 7.31 MESSAGING 7.40 MESSAGING 7.50 SAP_XIAF 7.31 SAP_XIAF 7.40 SAP_XIAF 7.50 SAP_XIESR 7.31 SAP_XIESR 7.40 SAP_XIESR 7.50 SAP_XIGUILIB 7.31 SAP_XIGUILIB 7.40 SAP_XIGUILIB 7.50 SAP_XITOOL 7.31 SAP_XITOOL 7.40 SAP_XITOOL 7.50 |